Red clover is a very useful and wonderful alterative agent for counteracting scrofulous and skin diseases, as an antidote to cancer, and as an efficient remedy in bronchitis and spasmodic affections. Its healing properties make an excellent addition to alterative compounds. You will find this an effective and reliable remedy in wasting-disease and for weakly and delicate children. The warm infusion is soothing to the nerves. Traditionally Used For: Bronchitis, Cancer, Coughs, Leprosy, Open Sores, Pellagra, Rickets, Scaly Skin, Scrofula, St. Vitus Dance, Syphilis, Ulcers (Indolent), Wheezing
Whooping Cough, Wounds.
Capsules DrC, Dr. Christophers
Red Clover Blossom
Alterative, mildly stimulant, sedative, deobstruent, nutritive, somewhat antispasmodic, depurative, detergent.
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